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STDs in general are sensitive since people may want to hide them or hide the implications. Abortions are sensitive as well depending on the social group.

If you're underage you may especially want to hide those two from your parents depending on the social group. If you're a woman you may also want those two hidden from your family depending on the social group. Sweden has a large refuge population from very conservative cultures and things like acid attacks against women are decently common. So not keeping those thing hidden can get you killed or horribly injured if you're in certain social groups.

> and things like acid attacks against women are decently common.

Wait, what? Where's your source on this.

Via google I can find references to one case from 1997 and one from 2002, and that's it. The idea that this would in any way be "decently common" here is preposterous.

Acid attacks are not common, but a lot of young immigrant women live under quite repressive family conditions, and can not see a doctor for their sexual health with their family knowing about it.

There are other, more recent cases of acid or threat of it, eg [1], though I'd say acid attacks are not particularly common in Sweden. Many more cases in UK, for instance. There are more actual cases of defenestration ("falling from the balcony") in Sweden.

In any case the leak of health information is nothing to laugh at e.g. for those who live under threat of "honor violence".

[1] https://www.na.se/artikel/hallefors/man-i-hallefors-anhallen...


London Metropolitan Police showed a sharp rise in attacks, with 465 recorded in 2017

Particularly common in London, and amongst some immigrant communities. Other countries are not so far behind, and I gather it is quite common in some of the developing world, like India and Pakistan.

In the UK it seems it has mostly been a weapon among criminals more than a honor thing that is more common in the developing world.

This probably is due to incentives - carrying a knife may bring a long prison sentence, carrying a bottle of acid or lye as weapon did not. UK changed sentencing guidelines last year.


Now, sure, especially in London. It's grown as a weapon of choice phenomenally quickly over the last 5 years, from almost nothing.

Seems like it may have been noticed being used for honour attacks in communities in London, Bradford, Leicester etc, and escalated from there. A particularly horrible form of attack.

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