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Ask HN: Apart from Amazon EC2, Rackspace and Joyent any other cloud provider?
7 points by fgblanch on Nov 18, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments
I have used Amazon EC2 and Rackspace (Joyent not yet) , but I'm looking for some other Iaas (Infrastructure as a service) providers any ideas?

Storm On Demand has a pretty cool offering with decent prices. They even have a "bare metal cloud".


My company used GoGrid prior to me getting here. The anecdotal reviews were very very bad. That being said I've never used them and it was 18 months + ago so maybe they are better now.

We use EC2 almost exclusively but do run some instances on Terremark (http://www.terremark.com/services/cloudcomputing.aspx) just because we had some issues a while back where EC2 wasn't letting us create new instances for like a week and we wanted to have some insurance.

EngineYard - http://engineyard.com. they're built on top of EC2 and a little pricey but their support/service is incredible and they make it a breeze to deploy...

http://www.citynetwork.se/city_cloud in Sweden, presumably safer against DMCA etc.

I knew about this one but we are looking for cpu/hour service.

It seems that linode only have monthly plans!

Surprised no one else has mentioned Heroku and GAE yet.

They are not Infrastructure as a server providers. They provide platforms to deploy applications

there is http://www.gogrid.com/ but i don't personally have any experience using them.

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