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Well, maybe. Google could add features to the api.

Then google will be the only one who can innovate in the area in adblocking abilities.

There is innovation above the api level. And if new api features are being requested by adblockers, who is really innovating?

The way I would put it is that Google becomes the gatekeeper for some low-level adblocker features.

No, they become the gatekeeper for all adblock features. "low-level" is a meaningless qualifier here.

> And if new api features are being requested by adblockers, who is really innovating?

Right now, adblock developers are speaking out, in droves, requesting that they don't remove the API features Chrome already has, and Google is saying "nah."

They are wiping out the current diversity of ad-blocking techniques and saying "This is the way you can build an ad-blocker now." There is also the obvious conflict of interest that many of the ads in question are served by Google in the first place.

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