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Blockchain wasn't really on my mind, but NNTP is something I think we should consider reviving.

Reddit and Facebook has taken over the old forums and mailing lists, but I feel that those markets would be served equally well, or better by NNTP.

The Reddit redesign makes it clear what direction they are moving in, and I fear that it will kill of all the interesting subreddits, where people have real discussions. In it's place will be an endless stream of memes, pictures and angry anti-Trump posts. All these subreddits will scatter and their uses left without a "home".

The village I live in has a Facebook group, it's a closed group, so no browsing without a Facebook account. I'm relying on my wife to inform me, if anything interesting is posted. It's sad, because it's pretty much the only source you can turn to if it smells like the entire village is burning or the local power plant is making a funny sound. All the stuff that's to small for even local news, or is happing right now.

Usenet would, in my mind, be a create place to host the communities currently on Facebook and Reddit. They will be safe from corporate control, or shifts in focus from they "hosting partner", and everyone will have equal and open access. Spam might be the unsolved problem, but I feel like that is something we can manage.

I know that a Usenet comeback, with all the hope and dream I have for it, isn't coming. People don't like NNTP, they like Facebook.

Anyone know the easiest way to get a server up and running? I google “open source nntp “ with not great results.

I wouldn't really classify it as a "good" nntp server (nor would I recommend it as it's probably not fully compliant) but nntpchan is one possible route if you don't mind the imageboard aftertaste. it's not meant for mainline usenet. I made it out of frustration with INN's feed syntax and because another daemon that I used at the time was abandoned written in python (it was an abomination but it worked).


Depending on your usecase, Leafnode might be reasonable.

Personally, when I needed NNTP I sprung straight for INN, but be prepared to educate yourself.

http://leafnode.sourceforge.net/ https://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/software/inn/

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