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You made a fully general argument against anything that Google touches.

This isn't useful, because everyone knows that argument already. I'd rather know what Google's track record is specifically having to do with DNS (or fundamental Internet infrastructure).

I think their DNS server has a pretty impressive track record for I think over 10 years. I know many people who changed their dns to when they thought their DNS was shitty.

Back in highschool (15yrs ago) pinging a DNS server was something I sometimes did when fixing people's internet, always used No idea why it's still in my head so much later, sure is a lot easier to remember.

And so is

Which is cloudflare's IP, to be clear. I'm a fan, but I like transparency.

1.1 is even easier (

Remembering two distinct numbers is harder than remembering one distinct number

You misunderstand, `1.1` _is_ ``, there are multiple ways to represent IP addresses.

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