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You're talking past me.

GP claimed that unpaid internships are offered by folks who want to select for candidates from wealthy families. I agreed that this was possible but it was more likely that a company would want to save money. Either because every little helps, or because it makes budget planning easier. You said "big companies don't care about small savings". I pointed out a scenario where they could. You dismissed it as fiction.

You claimed that there's some massive legal risk associated with this. There isn't. If someone from the Department of Labour asks about your unpaid internship, simply say "the student earned college credit for this, so there was an educational component", even if all they did was fetch groceries for you.

You pointed out that the Kardashians could have wanted a loyal, devoted fan for their unpaid internship. Sure, that's entirely possible. That's just as valid a reason as wanting to save money. I'm sure there are plenty of companies that justify it to themselves this way. "We don't want people who are in it for the money, we want them to be really passionate about the useless widget we're building"

You seem to have issues with reading what people actually write instead of projecting the position you want to argue against on them.

> You said "big companies don't care about small savings".

I did not say that. I said that the savings are relatively small enough that you can't just assume they are the primary goal without evidence.

> You claimed that there's some massive legal risk associated with this.

I did not characterize the level of legal risk. There most certainly is some legal risk and college credit alone is not enough to absolve you of that liability. https://www.unpaidinternslawsuit.com/

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