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+1. It's a little insane how early the internship "season" is these days (I know interns who signed offers in Aug/Sept 2018 for summer 2019 internships).

Maybe YC & YC companies can bring some order to this internship arms race by establishing clear application/decision timelines for YC companies? My sense is February is too late, but September-October applications for November decisions might work well.

Can we just push deadlines back to December? That's around the same time as most college apps are due, and they're basically the same process.

From my experience, most of the August/September signings are return offers or chance encounters for people’s “dream” company, which they are happy to accept even if it limits their options. I think the bulk of internship hiring at large companies happens in November/December.

(Also, my company Clever still has one or two internship slots for 2019! https://clever.com/about/jobs/software-engineering-intern#gh...)

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