> Please. Bush didn't threaten vetos of profligate Republican spending either.
I didn't intend to suggest that he did.
> He doubled the national debt from about $5 trillion to $10 trillion, and it didn't all happen in the two years after 2006.
You're right - it didn't. The deficit went up, to a peak of around $600B, after 9/11 and the prescription drug monstrosity, but had dropped to $100B when repubs lost congress. That six years, plus the 2 years of a Dem congress, added $5T to the debt.
Obama is on schedule to add $5T in four years....
Yes "profligate Republican spending" was horrible. My point is that Dems have been worse.
I didn't intend to suggest that he did.
> He doubled the national debt from about $5 trillion to $10 trillion, and it didn't all happen in the two years after 2006.
You're right - it didn't. The deficit went up, to a peak of around $600B, after 9/11 and the prescription drug monstrosity, but had dropped to $100B when repubs lost congress. That six years, plus the 2 years of a Dem congress, added $5T to the debt.
Obama is on schedule to add $5T in four years....
Yes "profligate Republican spending" was horrible. My point is that Dems have been worse.