The fact that this made it to the front page not only confirms the stereotypes that I'm representative, but made me giddy to be surrounded by so many other nerds. How many of you had Star Trek: TNG action figures? :)
some of those almost brought me to tears. brent spiner with stephen hawking, brent spiner with what looks to be an insanely large cigar. the various directorial shots of jonathan frakes. oh man. thanks for these
I won a call-into-the-radio contest when I was eight years old for being able to name Levar Burton as Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge. My mom didn't believe me when I told her I won. I think the prize ended up being a Weird Al cassette and some temporary tattoos.
I don't want to seem like the huge geek that I am, but seeing these pictures makes me feel like I'm seeing a childhood friend who I haven't seen in years.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go buy the entire series on DVD....
I suppose Hacker News is the only place where people might relate to this comment: Did anyone else look at the first picture and wonder why Mendel Rosenblum was on the set of Star Trek?
Case in point: