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I've seen huge things being built in/with PL/SQL, running stable, fast, nearly bug-free and containing all the features needed, for decades, sometimes upgraded to a new database major version.

I've also seen multiple attempts at replacing those PL/SQL systems, reimplementing the same functionality with Hibernate/Java (and I recall one instance of PHP being used) and they've all been slow (to use and develop), buggy and always lacking in functionality compared to the original. Basically all three of the previous problems or a disgusting combination of them.

In all of those replacement cases, there has been no objective reason to replace the entire system, maybe give the UI a facelift.

So here's my question, why rewrite it all, what's the reason these "rewrites" and "stanglings" are done to nicely working systems just not complying with what the newest fad is? Is PL/SQL or DBs such an arcane knowledge your devs did not understand it enough to give it a facelift? I'm genuinely just curious why these things happen, if I knew the reason maybe I could stop another service I have to use being turned to excrement.

The ultimate goal was to become database-independent as far as I understand (I was just a junior dev, this was my first job, so I'm guessing, I wasn't making decisions). To avoid Oracle tax I assume. It was very funny when mid-rewrite we learnt Oracle bought Java :)

But there were lots of other improvements - using jbpm for designing warehousing processes was a natural fit, much better than making persistent long-running processes with C++ using nested ifs in a while loop and serializing the state of the process with manual inserts and updates on each state change.

With jbpm you could see the whole state machine as a graph, move nodes around, insert new ones easily, and the persistence was automatic, including all the variables you use, which saved a lot of time and hard-to-track bugs (some combination of steps breaks the persistence the next time you enter this process - good luck fixing that and tracking what really happened on the warehouse before the process broke the persistence).

Regarding the speed we were actually slightly faster with the jbpm (mostly thanks to the hibernate 2nd level cache and optimistic locking). We measured the time on the portable devices between pressing a key and seeing the next screen, and because the bottleneck was PL/SQL procedures running selects to decide what to show and waiting on locks - the whole overhead of application server and jbpm and .net client was hidden in the savings thanks to the cache (and optimistic locking).

Also jbpm processes had versioning. Old versions were continuing to run and new instances were started with new version. Upgrading the processes with the C++ code was basically stop-the-world event.

We could have skipped the Eclipse RCP thing, though. The subteam that worked on that went a little over the top with architecture astronomy, there were like 4 sub-layers with 4 levels of configuration xmls :). And the framework built on qt we used previously for forms was quite nice already, arguably better.

And no - PL/SQL isn't arcane, and the whole team had lots of experience with it running the system for years.

Thanks for answering.

> The ultimate goal was to become database-independent as far as I understand (I was just a junior dev, this was my first job, so I'm guessing, I wasn't making decisions).

Did you actually achieve that?

Nope, we merged with another company with similar product, and we switched the tech again.

Why not move to another DBMS rather than move off from SQL altogether?

PL/SQL or stored procedures are specific to each database vendor. So, it is hard to pull off. The better way to replace PL/SQL altogether, but keep sql queries.

Sure, but still it would be more sane to set up another DB, say Postgres, write some migration code to always keep the two DBs in sync, then start migrating the SQLs one by one.

My mom works at a startup that was acquired by a big bank. She's a PL/SQL dev, and a majority of their business logic is implemented in PL/SQL on Oracle. After the acquisition, the new bank execs decided to make a new initiative to rewrite the entire thing with "modern" technology. Lots of talk about MongoDB and microservices.

After one year, and lots of revelations about how much of the business actually is implemented in PL/SQL, they have yet to even port one small part of the system to the new stack. It's becoming clear how little they actually understand about the requirements of the software, and why a system like Oracle was chosen in the first place.

I'm also very confused about why people do this.

Not the parent, but I assume people do it so they don't have to use Oracle anymore (for either cost or ethical reasons).

But there are other DBs that could be migrated to, rewriting SQL to another dialect is usually much easier than a full rewrite.

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