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It's a shame that ceiling light fixtures in the US are directly wired and screwed in.

In other countries (both in Sweden where I lived before and here in Japan where I live now) there are special ceiling power outlets, so replacing a light fixture is just a question of unplugging and plugging in again. Japan: https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4279/35698610491_8787f45eae.j... https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4230/35790814576_382943d360.j... Sweden: https://www.eldirekt.se/pub_images/medium/1890776__13222.jpg

There's a wide range of quality ceiling light fixtures that you just clip into place, and the LED chips are on a huge metal heatsink so they run very cool https://panasonic.jp/light/led/products.html

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