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When you're out in nature you don't give a damn about looking and smelling like a homeless person. Being able to bathe and groom whenever you want to be around civilization, where the gyms are, is the point.

A marine battery and portable solar panel are not mutually exclusive.

When you've found a sweet spot and have no intention of driving for at least a week, it's less than ideal to repeatedly idle an automobile engine just for charging your battery. Most of the energy is being lost to waste heat, it's a horribly inefficient method and annoying to boot. But sure, charge your batteries off the alternator while you're driving places as well. Everything should get topped up whenever you drive somewhere.

Most state parks I've stayed at around california permit 14-day continuous stays. Enforcement hasn't been especially strict in my experience either unless it's a busy time of year or there's an associated nuisance.

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