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Nextjournal: Environments (nextjournal.com)
39 points by tosh on Feb 6, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

I’m one of the founders. The environments notebook includes the default environments you get when starting a notebook on Nextjournal. These are again built in Notebooks, see e.g. for https://nextjournal.com/nextjournal/python-environment for a description of what our default Python environment contains and how it is built. This is again built on top of our bash environment, that’s built on top of a stock ubuntu image: https://nextjournal.com/nextjournal/bash-environment.

I know it's 2019 and all, but is that 6MB image at the top really necessary?

It's not. Replaced it with a 600kb JPEG version, thanks!

"403 Client Error" after entering my email and clicking "get started"

Sorry about the glitch. Can you give it another try? You can use `xoxo` as an invite code for the private beta if it works this time.

just a heads up: An Impressum is rather hard to find even though you seem to be based in Germany (Berlin, assumption based on the "Sauspiel" connection) and with commercial interest.

Yes, we're based in Berlin. Should put the link to https://nextjournal.com/imprint back into the footer.

You can read about how Sauspiel – a community for the German card game Schafkopf – allows us to build Nextjournal on https://nextjournal.com/about.

Since when is GitHUB a version control system?

Thanks, fixed.

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