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It's already been mentioned by a few others, but just calling out Roadmap.com again. I actually help manage the community. So, if you have any feedback or things you'd like to see improved, send it my way. I'm always trying to make the site more functional and encourage meaningful conversations.

Also, as a side note, we put up a monthly jobs thread on the 1st of each month (and it's pinned as the first question on the homepage). I just put up the February one this morning.

Wow, how have I never come across this site. What's your current strategy to encourage more meaningful conversations? I see in some threads you yourself add the first answer, I imagine to set the tone which I think is a good strategy.

What's the current main problem? Not enough answers, or lack of "quality" answers? How do you quantify/measure quality interaction?

Sorry for this inquisitive interview, it's just a very interesting topic. I'd like to automate my own processes, and haven't spoken to anyone managing a reddit-style forum before (apart form one guy who is creating one, but that's a dev more than a community person ^_^)

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