And for those who say that we need to use fuzzy logic (which is used in neural networks, Bayesian probability theory) still won't solve paradoxes and what Gödel showed us.
Here some food for thought, imagine perfectly crafted sentences with logical induction (list like- where the wrong one gets deleted and the right one goes one list up). Even if we manage to make all sentences consistent (the one who are true) there still be one comment who can not be denied or approved.
So if someone wants to build a Gödel machine (philosopher machine) he can use reddit/hn like Turk Machine (pitch it as a seed AI Gödel machine, this idea is obviously absurd but interesting nonetheless)
Edit: mathematics , as Russell said, is the most precise tool at reaching clarity so imagine what language fails at attaining.
And for those who say that we need to use fuzzy logic (which is used in neural networks, Bayesian probability theory) still won't solve paradoxes and what Gödel showed us.
Here some food for thought, imagine perfectly crafted sentences with logical induction (list like- where the wrong one gets deleted and the right one goes one list up). Even if we manage to make all sentences consistent (the one who are true) there still be one comment who can not be denied or approved. So if someone wants to build a Gödel machine (philosopher machine) he can use reddit/hn like Turk Machine (pitch it as a seed AI Gödel machine, this idea is obviously absurd but interesting nonetheless)
Edit: mathematics , as Russell said, is the most precise tool at reaching clarity so imagine what language fails at attaining.