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That's a really good point honestly. To pretend the USA doesn't use its massive surveillance engine for that kind of thing is silly.

So if you are saying that the N.S.A. or The CIA are coming to kill me, tell them to stand on the line, because the Chinese Intelligence is already on tis job of eliminating me...Ok...Xi Jin Pin is sending His own personal best killers to hunt me and kill me, If you did not read all my history of comments, then you should know it already, PLUS, Russians are already Hate me too, if you read my comments, you will see I have , Hate , the Sputnik News and Other Bullshit from Nazi name Putin. I am brave guy right????? Nothing to fear when you are already Dead, right, and the chinese, the russian and the american , want you dead...So shut up and survive, right? NO , my friend, I am already dead...you are blackmailing the wrong person, cannot blackmail a Dead Person(body)...so...I am waiting for some argument from you that prove that you are smarter then that, my friend, and don't need fucking B;lackmail to make a point.................

SO if someone(from beijing, moscow or washington) Have all the access to my unedited file, and they have it, my friend, believe me....

They know I am , just a old crazy Marijuana smoker who is Jobless recently and is bored and has nothing better to do then write fucking stupid and insane comments on hacker news....

Old people withou a job is the worst thing for this old people Mental health....

I should find a job as soon as possible, even if is cleaning the streets or taking care of public gardens...anything to do but stupid internet comments...

well and I am for hire, and now , the most important, If is for the good of humanity, I will do it, no matter who is for, ok, i said for the good of humanity...

so... I would do it even for free...but i am broke , no money even to buy my marijuana now...so...

Anyway, I care more for the Good-Faith then the money...

I did't go to the obligatory (law obligation) military service because they decided I was physically useless for them, and I didn't had a high-school degree, so i was intellectually useless for them too....But I didn't want to go....

Because they pay you 0 bucks and I was in age of having girlfriends and smoke pot...But also because I believe in Peace. I am a pacifist...

But I fucking admire people who has fucking Balls and people who has fucking Honor, like the guys in the Navy.

Just to add to the point above where I say that beijing, moscow, washington, have all access to my unedited file, I forgot to mention Her Majesty the Queen and the MI-6 have the oldest file on me, since the day I was born, because I was born by the hands of a surgeon doctor that was an agent of the MI-6, who went to fucking west europe and to fucking east europe to fight the fucking nazi . And he had nightmares and could not sleep well for the rest of his life, because he saw the children in Paris packed in the holes of the street, hunger and freezing, covering themselves with newspaper, and he saw that they look exactly like the poor mouses and rats on the streets too. And he remembered his 5 children 10.000 kilometers away.

So...they know I am for peace and pot.

...even forgot to say that he was my grandfather, and there is a street with his name in owr town...

Already lets open the last bit...The street name is actually of my granpa's father, so my grandgranfather or something like this. American (U.S.) family.

The little hospital my grandGrandpa built, where my grandpa was born, and where my father was born, and where I was born...

still stands to this day, unmodified, in his original taste, since my granGranpa opened it.

Dr. Taves Health Home. We accept credit cards. look at Altavista : )

Let's make a Thought Experiment, like those Einstein use to do:

I wonder who looks Silly, Now.

If I was the boss of N.S.A. , Mister arminiusreturns, I would not hire you, or I would fire you now, because you gave yourself up so easily, and you didn't see even who you was talking too...easy research...easy logic...easy "secure" broke with silly comment...you don't know how to even secure, and you are Fired.

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