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> Any job that has included in the listing for job responsibilities: "A passion for what you do", I have not applied to.

As a developer and former recruiter, I will say that most job ads are not written well. Many people cut & paste the text from other jobs ads and tweak it for their own purposes. The people with whom you'd work may not even be aware of what's in the job ad. Crafting a good job ad is hard.

Well that's why I didn't apply to jobs that wanted to go through a recruiter. Not after the shenanigans that happened to me last time with recruiters.

If you care enough about the position to cut and paste, will you care enough about the employee?

a job posting is half the battle - you want to have a competitive job description that's scraped by job engines and discoverable to the potential candidate. This may mean you have to look at how competitors are doing it and replicating what they're doing to maintain competitive presence -- which can include copy/paste and customizing as appropriate.

You can make a job description a special snowflake, but then not reach the right candidates. In my experience, I will find job postings on a job aggregator website, which will lead me to a companies website for the position. These positings will usually include a boilerplate on what the job includes + other details on the company. If it seems interesting, I'll research the firm to see what they're doing, opinions on glassdoor etc.

Judging a company and their treatment of their employees by job description alone is a very narrow view of how business operates.

I don't think one has any correlation with the other.

I have started asking why specifically the position I am interviewing for is open. Not knowing is dodgy, and ads like this would be a side effect.

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