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> Well, we can just use the total runtime of the the 2 papers benchmarks where there were lots of memory operations. (In other words, we can acknowledge that performance has multiple dimensions/axis but we can also look at the simple measurement of total wall clock time of benchmark code that doesn't do database access or floating point calculations.)


> See the problem with those attempted explanations? They're all non-sequiturs.

I'm comparing GC vs manual memory management.

You (or the papers) are comparing different implementations of programs in different languages. That might be great for practical considerations for choosing implementation language, but is pointless when comparing those two different memory management strategies. Apples and oranges.

EDIT: I feel "Quantifying the Performance of Garbage Collection vs. Explicit Memory Management" paper is a bit dishonest. From the paper:

> The culprit here is garbage collection activity, which visits far more pages than the application itself [61]. As allocation intensity increases, the number of major garbage collections also increases. Since each garbage collection is likely to visit pages that have been evicted, the performance gap between the garbage collectors and explicit memory managers grows as the number of major collections increases.

Pages got evicted – so their heap ran out of physical RAM and started swapping to disk. Wow.

Yeah, GC uses much more RAM, that's a well known downside. Setting the benchmark up in such a way that causes the system to start swapping is not a fair way to compare GC and manual allocation throughput.

>You (or the papers) are comparing different implementations of programs in different languages.

Fyi... the 2nd paper is using the same language of Java. It just compares different allocation strategies: explicit vs GC. (I think that paper is written in a confusing way.)

My original point back to op (rwmj) was that the computer scientists were quite aware that malloc had a non-zero cost. And pointing that out really doesn't challenge the paper's findings.

Yeah, and the second paper said their GC scenario system was swapping to disk. Please read my edit to the previous comment.

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