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Anyone else disappointed that this wasn't some in-depth, Docker related pipe usage post?

For those of us that know who Jess is, the post is a little lacking. I went there to read about some cool things she's doing with pipe, but was disappointed at a post that contained nothing.

I disagree - the pipe command is trivial at least to us whom have used linux (or unix) based systems for a long time.

But to people who follow her and are rather new to this way of doing things, this could be a good read.

Either way, it is nice to be reminded of the unix philosophy about chaining tools together for junior and senior alike.

Edit: typo fixes

Fair enough. I'm a little surprised at the response. I didn't expect many people here aren't already intimately familiar with pipes, and for those that aren't *nix users, I'm not sure the content is of interest.

I guess being honest around here is the wrong thing.

For what it's worth, I had no issue with your opinion and also didn't downvote either of your comments.

And I also didn't upvote the article, because it is indeed quite basic. Though apperantly enough people did find it interesting enough to make it to the frontpage ^^

I think you're being downvoted because of: "Please don't post shallow dismissals, especially of other people's work. A good critical comment teaches us something."

Having said that, it does seem like the author's posts seem to get upvoted no matter what by a contingent of readers. I also found TFA to be quite basic, and it couldn't have taken very much effort to write (I'm assuming the author is already well familiar with pipes based on her background). The article would have been more interesting with some more technical details or experimental results - or perhaps some novel information that most people aren't aware of.

It's unfortunate. I generally tend not to comment on things I want to criticise. I love Jess's work but saw zero value come from the time spent reading that.

I think my point was more valid, in this case, given that this isn't some random person trying to contribute something, I'd have been less critical in that case and not commented, but this is Jess Frazelle. Those of us that know the name know she's an extremely skilled engineer, and _that_ is why I was disappointed at the post.


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