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Show HN: List of serverless failure stories (github.com/cristim)
75 points by alien_ on Jan 20, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 19 comments

Really don't understand why anyone puts a side project on a pay-per-use provider when 99% of the projects would be perfectly fine on a $5/mo max vps. Although I also use a prepaid cell phone provider, so maybe I just hate the idea of blank checks.

You get 1 million free lambda invocations per month, completely free of infrastructure headaches for simple projects.

You can also make a CloudWatch alarm on billing to throttle your lambda functions at your specified price point. It's only a blank check if you want it to be.

> It's only a blank check if you want it to be.

Doesn't AWS force customers of their free tier to provide a valid paying method (i.e., credit card) to be charged once any limit is surpassed?

You can throttle serverless services by invocation count. AWS will alert you when an account exceeds a budget, Azure used to let you put a hard limit on the spend, not sure if they still do.

> Really don't understand why anyone puts a side project on a pay-per-use provider

Serverless isn't always pay per use. Firebase, Netlify and Heroku all have limited free tiers where there's no limit you get to where you get charged.

Compared to a VPS, with the above services I get Git based deploy and don't have to worry about server maintenance beyond specifying e.g. which version of Node or Python I want to use.

Seeing people SSHing into servers to install packages and using Git pull to deploy makes me cringe now. I'd rather get on with coding.

My side project is on lambda. The #1 cost for me is the EC2 service I use for a DB they integrate with, because my lambdas basically don't execute except a few times on the weekend.

Nice to not have to worry about patching or updates or any other ops work at all.

It's not so much about the money as it is about the convenience of not having to maintain that VPS with security patches and so on and automatically getting it scale without any effort if needed. You can just focus on the actual code.

It's also more convenient if you are shipping your software to your users instead of running in SaaS mode, like I do with my https://autospotting.org project. I wouldn't want to ask my users to pay, run and maintain an EC2 instance for it.

Those who appreciate me doing this would hopefully donate those $5 to me on Patreon :-)

These are good reasons, but how many projects really have such a need to scale, for example?

If you have let’s say a massive developer organization, some level of abstraction so you don’t have to manage provisioning servers/hosts and invest time in undifferentiated (no or low value add) activities is great.

The cost of these function as a service solutions is very high though, even in those scenarios, at least from my own experience.

A lot of people rush to these solutions and CTOs blindly sign off without realizing it’s just added tech debt.

The initial question was about side projects, that may or may not need to scale but often run at pennies monthly.

Hopefully someday the side project launches and makes it to the first page of HackerNews or ProductHunt and then you need to cope with insane amounts of (mostly junk) traffic, which can be hard if you just happen to have a $5 VPS, so you're likely to fail your launch.

At sustained scale serverless solutions can be very expensive indeed, but that's a great problem to have for a side project.

Large organizations or established projects would likely be an order of magnitude cheaper to run their compute on EC2, maybe with RIs or spot or a combination of these (or their equivalents on other cloud/VPC providers), or even on bare metal if the usage patterns are sufficiently flat.

One you can apply limits, two you have free tiers and you don't have a credit card, three yeh $5 sounds cheap but some people still can't afford that, four it's less maintenance. Those at least have been my reasoning

> three yeh $5 sounds cheap but some people still can't afford that

I don't buy that excuse, as AWS requires a valid CC to gain access to their free tier, and no hypothetical user who can't afford €5/month will have CCs to pass off at will.

I'm not sure about AWS but firebase and google cloud functions don't. My younger sister actually uses it for her backend. She's a college student and $5 a month if affordable but she doesn't want to pay it. I'd would also say I would in college maybe have 100-200 dollars to work with. Yeh I could pay it but I wouldn't want to.

No admin and no deployment headaches. Keeping a box ticking, in a secure manner, is not trivial.

The scenarios linked to from the GitHub page are not only related because they deal with serverless technologies. They're akin to one another because, in every case, testing was flawed.

In the first, there was no testing, aside from the trivial. Oddly enough, a lack of formal testing is described as being a symptom of not having "a local version to play with." In the second, the test environment was used in production ("So that we didn’t have to wait for the timer to fire “naturally” when we were testing, we were using RunOnStartup = true"). And in the third, there is no test environment.

Thanks, that's a great summary.

We can add a tl;dr with the root cause for each item in the list. Feel free to send me a PR with this.

Coming at this from a purely computer science standpoint, I am concerned about "manualization". I don't have a better word for it yet, but it's when humans monitor and control services at a granular level instead of letting a compiler partition and parallelize code internally.

So with AWS Lambda, humans have to decide which microservices should be put into lambdas, and how much they need to be split up (based on the AWS Lambda Limits, which increase over time).

Whereas in a language like Elixer/Erlang or Go, we write code at a high level and the compiler chops it up into threads and spreads it across as many processors as are available dynamically.

I feel, rather strongly actually, that the manual approach is a code smell. Which means that serverless leans towards being more of a trendy solution than a formal one built from first principles. Which means that given time (usually 1-3 years with web tech) we'll see something arrive that looks like a compiler and lamda-izes code somewhat automagically.

That said, there is a window of profit here where anyone who jumps on serverless and knows how to use it can generate cashflow.

Knowing all of this, I would look at previous evolutions of other web technologies for pitfalls to avoid. Having never used AWS Lambda, this is what I would do:

* Treat lambdas as single input/output executables like in the shell. Analogously to avoiding how AngularJS got mired in two-way data binding. This lets us use vast prior experience in data processing graphs rather than having to analyze complex webs of nondeterministic logic and side effects.

* Start from the beginning with development, staging and production environments. Just because it's lambda doesn't mean that we throw out everything we've learned about reliability just to run everything "serverless".

* Don't succumb to premature optimization. All logic can be reduced to functional programming, the highest expression of which is the 0th order functional programming of spreadsheets (which I saw making the rounds of HN the last few days). Write all code to not depend on global shared state. Even if it feels a little inefficient at first, try to do everything declaratively, as functional transformations on data rather than imperative steps storing temporary state (in class member variables, as an unfortunately common example). Then analyze the code near the end of the project and decide which functions might work better as lambdas. Maybe they are utility methods that don't justify having an entire container overhead around them. Maybe they are just glue code that swizzles one interface into another like GraphQL. That's something you'll have to decide.

I've seen problems with highly-partitioned code where versions of included services get out of sync, the friction of dealing with things at the service level outstrips any gains found by separating the code, and it becomes nearly impossible to trace the codepath across services. It becomes obvious that whoever wrote the code wasn't familiar with things like the Actor model. It's fine to break the rules once one is familiar with them, but serverless has a fair amount of brogramming thrown in and the move-fast-break-things mentality is just not compatible with reliable software engineering IMHO. I know, I know, Facebook and Amazon made billions with that approach, but guys like me have to clean up the mess and it's anathema to finding career zen.

Edit: P.S. I forgot to say why monolithic code that is parallelized/optimized internally is usually better (for both rapid-prototyping and long-term). It's because the closer that code is to fully abstracted and statically-analyzable, the more reliable, reusable and resalable it is. This is my rudder after many years of programming, but I look forward to hearing any other opinion someday that might replace it.

> Whereas in a language like Elixer/Erlang or Go, we write code at a high level and the compiler chops it up into threads and spreads it across as many processors as are available dynamically.

I haven't used Elixir/Erlang (though I've read a fair amount about them), but it seems like the BEAM languages would be an ideal model for serverless because processes don't (have to) know which thread, core, or machine they're running on.

When people deploy Elixir/Erlang in production, do they use a single distributed instance or do they run separate instances in their own containers/VMs like you might with something like Node?


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