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I've often noticed that I'm weirdly productive with a low level illness. It's as though my focus is improved .

Similar to having a single drink or two. It dulls the brain just enough to remove internal distracting thoughts, but not enough to dull all higher thought functions.

Sleep deprivation (I’m an insomniac) has a similar effect if I have a lot of grindy work to do there is a point between tired and exhausted where I can hammer through it.

It’s a but like the balmer peak though.

Think I know what you mean. Sitting at a computer is more appealing when a bit sick, but more likely to want to get out and about if feeling well.

Anecdotally this has not been my experience; I am just as likely to procrastinate while also being marginally cognitively impaired.

Maybe it's due to histamine.

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