Apparently it's legal in some cases when you give it directly to people
>Buried in the campaign finance reports available to the public are some troubling connections between a group of wealthy donors with ties to Russia and their political contributions to President Donald Trump and a number of top Republican leaders. And thanks to changes in campaign finance laws, the political contributions are legal.
This partisan op-ed is barely tangentially related to the OP. So tired of seeing worn out sensationalist divisive news where it obviously doesn't belong.
They should sell something. Maybe you can buy a vote on where it goes. Even if scientist proposed their top ten picks and then people could pay to vote on them.
Or also naming rights would be a cool way to get funding. Or early access to the imagery.
Right, the problem in allowing contributions is definitely clear as day. But a work around is clearly possible through indicating directions for taxes. I remember hearing that idea proposed somewhere, not sure where. You can already elect to add some money to public election campaigns on federal taxes, for instance.
Maybe down the road private operations like SpaceX will be funded enough for stuff like this. Doubtful though.
Quite honestly being opposites on each of the issues is not helping. I think that having a points distribution on every tax return would be amazing. It need not have any legal force, just be released publicly so all can see. Brings a feeling of real impact.
That was my point. I other countries there are bigger range of views to choose, other than the US "radical neoliberalism" and "moderate neoliberalism".