God forbid if I want to quit WeChat. The shit I get from my wife and relatives if I don't post anything, reply to something they posted or give them "red pockets" is absolutely ridiculous! It is probably the most successful social network app/money transfer app out there... and I don't like it. Maybe I'm turning into an old geezer or something...
I let my wife manage all our wechat posting, I’m responsible for all the Facebook posts. Sometimes it is hard to synchronize baby pics between the two.
If there was only a service that would allow sharing photos without WeChat or Facebook..
Its trivial to share photos using shared galleries in iCloud. Why Facebook is still considered valuable is beyond me. The last thing I want is photos of my kids on a Facebook type service.
The American relatives use Facebook, the Chinese relatives use wechat, it’s not like we go out and tell them to use Snapchat for this.
I’m not really worried about toddler pics on Facebook. Many people have complex conspiracy theories that they can be turned into CP or something, but they are all pretty impractical.
My objection to putting toddler pics on social media is that we ask friends and relatives if it's OK to post photos of them, but by the time a child is old enough to give informed consent it's too late.