Yeah, totally depends on what you're using for a router/gateway/firewall.
I've got a mix of Ubiquiti gear and pfSense. Most of it was a matter of just setting up a static route(like in the article) where when I'm on the 192.x.x.x( network and want to talk to I'd put in the gateway( as the next hop. Without knowing more about your setup it's hard to say.
r/homelab is also a pretty decent place with a lot of helpful people interested in networking and homelabs.
Same USG here. If you're on two different networks in the Unifi setup you'll also probably need a firewall rule between them. In my case the was on pfSense so the Unifi router just passed it along and didn't do anything else.
I've got a mix of Ubiquiti gear and pfSense. Most of it was a matter of just setting up a static route(like in the article) where when I'm on the 192.x.x.x( network and want to talk to I'd put in the gateway( as the next hop. Without knowing more about your setup it's hard to say.
r/homelab is also a pretty decent place with a lot of helpful people interested in networking and homelabs.