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Ask HN: choosing your software stack.
5 points by yarek on Nov 11, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
Assuming you and your buddies are serious about a web start up, you are the CTO type and you feel you are proficient in Lisp and a host of other languages. Assume the rest of the gang knows Java. Do you insis on Lisp, or go along with the majority? Would you worry about future hires?

Go java, write your stuff in Clojure, document the jars well :)

Of course, as CTO, you probably won't have a lot of time to write code, so JAVA is still the right choice, and you have to write less (developer) docs.

pick the language that will get results faster. that sounds like java.

at this point, future hires do not matter. do not worry about them.

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