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So when gambling has failed to produce enough revenue, maybe, as a fallback, they might consider raising taxes to, you know, pay for all the things they need.

Illinois’ debt problem is far beyond fixing by raising taxes. They promised billions on corrupt pension schemes that literally could not have been payed for except by passing the bucket down the line to the next ngenwration of workers. The dilemma is that you can’t get out of it except by filing bankruptcy, which aside from the question of whether it is even possible, would completely destroy an otherwise healthy state and local economy.

People should go to jail for those agreements.

Illinois taxes are already pretty darn high. Illinois is also experiencing net out-migration, reducing the taxpayer base. Increasing taxes will only make people leave faster. It's a rock and a hard place.

That is funny. Illinois has some of the highest taxes in country.


state income tax is laughably low

The income tax is low, but property and sales taxes are also high. Want to buy a drink in Chicago? You're going to pay around a 12% tax on that drink. In Illinois, they get you coming and going.

The state income tax is not used for education, which is individually funded by counties via property taxes, which more than make up the difference.

Illinois was never supposed to have an income tax, and didn't have one until 1970. Our property taxes are very high for that reason.

4.95% flat rate is pretty high.

the states around illinois have a higher income tax, but they also have a progressive tax system which lessens the pain for lower income households.

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