Another way of stating it is you get paid for bringing value to the marketplace. Creating and delivering value is usually very expensive. There are ways to shift around the creation and distribution of value and there are certain notable edge cases that would allow people to nitpick my definition.
But by and large there is a certain physics to business and you can conceptualize it as having certain conservation laws.
Now if you're looking for the Quantum physics of business where those laws don't seem to hold and seemingly magical shit starts to happen and you discover the superfluid of value creation... Well let me clue you in a little. It's absolutely possible.
The conservation laws still hold as what you're trading off to find this magical superfluid or superconductor of business is a very high search cost to find a viable configuration in which to run your operation. So the search cost to find a new, undiscovered, viable configuration or to find a known viable configuration or to obtain the resources to operationalize a viable configuration that has become known to you is so astronomically high in the worst case that it turns out not to be worth it.
Passive income is very expensive from that stand point.
Another way of stating it is you get paid for bringing value to the marketplace. Creating and delivering value is usually very expensive. There are ways to shift around the creation and distribution of value and there are certain notable edge cases that would allow people to nitpick my definition.
But by and large there is a certain physics to business and you can conceptualize it as having certain conservation laws.
Now if you're looking for the Quantum physics of business where those laws don't seem to hold and seemingly magical shit starts to happen and you discover the superfluid of value creation... Well let me clue you in a little. It's absolutely possible.
The conservation laws still hold as what you're trading off to find this magical superfluid or superconductor of business is a very high search cost to find a viable configuration in which to run your operation. So the search cost to find a new, undiscovered, viable configuration or to find a known viable configuration or to obtain the resources to operationalize a viable configuration that has become known to you is so astronomically high in the worst case that it turns out not to be worth it.
Passive income is very expensive from that stand point.