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Does that also opt you out of their apps too? Guessing all this does is set a cookie for that browser.

It sets the following:

{ "Domain": ".fullstory.com", "Name": "fs_optout", "Value": 1, "Path": "/", "Expires": null, "Store ID": "firefox-default", "First Party Domain": null, "Secure": false, "Session": true, "Http Only": false, "Host Only": false }

> "Session": true,

As in: this cookie will stick around as long as your browser is running, but when you close it and start it up again it will be gone?

If it’s like Matomo’s opt-out system, that cookie is required – it’s the very thing that turns on the opt-out.

When you opt-out of Matomo, the message warns that “if you clear your cookies, delete the opt-out cookie, or if you change computers or Web browsers, you will need to perform the opt-out procedure again”.

Matomo also honours the browser’s DNT setting, which is a) nice and b) rare.


Mine has an expires set: 2046-05-31T19:47:10.000Z

Disabling by the browser will take no effect on the app or other browsers.

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