I hear you, and I know why you'd say that, but wow the API surface-area of ES is ginormous. Maybe the 80-20 rule goes a long way here, but I wouldn't expect API parity to be a simple matter of exposing the same REST endpoints -- it's the payload that'll be the headache
I actually strongly considered that just with Solr, which has the extreme benefit of using the same query language under the hood, but the more I scratched the more I found it would be a horrific amount of work
Do you mean encoding the lucene queries as JSON objects into the ES endpoints, or do you mean the actual lucene syntax (as would be surfaced by kibana et al)?
I mean the Elasticsearch API. Kinda what you were referring to in the first part of your sentence, but I don't know why you'd say it like that, especially since the Elasticsearch API covers other things, such as mapping indexes and other cluster administration.
I actually strongly considered that just with Solr, which has the extreme benefit of using the same query language under the hood, but the more I scratched the more I found it would be a horrific amount of work