I won’t attempt the unpack all of the ancronyns but in layman’s terms the military application of the aircraft is to have an automated eye in the sky with a suite of sensors that capture as much as possible. When you’re combatting guerilla warfare it’s difficult to identify the operations of your enemy as they blend in with civilians. With a 24/7 recording of everything happening you can rewind the data feed from a point in time of attack and find the who, what, and where.
To add on to the other reply, a big problem in mountainous operation theaters is that soldiers can't talk to other squadrons or base, because of the mountains. Reception is shit. This big ol blimp thing could float around at 20,000 feet and act as a communication hub so soldiers can talk to each other, while also having cameras on board to be an eye in the sky for said soldiers, or painting targets for the soldiers or other aircraft's targetable weaponry.