He is flagged because you are not allowed to call out the political left on supporting Islam. Even though it basically contradicts everything that is politically left.
It's a garbage religion and has no place in America.
I think flagged for a lot of flamebaiting and misrepresentation of all the things.
I'm going to address one point and then flee this thread: "An American Woman wanting to be a housewife is internalized misogyny..." No. Modern (4th wave) feminists don't think that. That train of thought hasn't really been popular since the 70's.
If you're going to bring in the intersection of religions, it's pretty easy to say that they all have conservative and liberal branches, and that typically modern feminism falls to "if it works for you and isn't about you oppressing someone, have at it". So most 4th wave feminists would be able to reconcile a woman wanting to be Muslim and also not be restrained by society. The same way they assume that you can be a Christian and also a cool person, or a stay at home mom and a feminist.