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JavaScript January: a curated collection of blogs and tutorials, published daily (javascriptjanuary.com)
42 points by Roedou on Jan 9, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Images are too big, and is there some sort of weird scroll jacking going on? Or is loading the images so processor intensive that when I scroll down it stops dead in its tracks?

I love the design. Looking forward to checking out the articles.

I'd be curious if anyone could make some clarifications on the Object-Oriented Ontology (OOO) article. I skimmed it, but it didn't seem like it ever got to something concrete (I could be wrong); then I looked up his book recommendation on Amazon ("Object-Oriented Ontology: A New Theory of Everything") and read some reviews, but they were also mostly just praise without saying anything very specific about the content.

Sorry to pile on to the design complaints, but when I opened it in my browser, the first image (the wall with security cameras on it) was so big that the title of the article was completely below the fold. So I just waited a moment expecting some text or something to load in. You should definitely consider condensing this down a little bit.

I can't get past the horrible site design.

Not sure why are you getting downvoted, the giant images add nothing to the site whatsoever and make it incredibly difficult to get to the content.

The fact I have to scroll to figure out what a gigantic ass tile is referring to is infuriating. Especially since the tile design has literally nothing to do with the topic.

What differentiates this from anything else?

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