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It occurred to me reading the headline that you could simulate all of the nodes in a virtual environment.

So kind of a general question, but: could you or do you have a way to like, run a VM on your computer where you could ssh in have a big open area to turn on nodes and play around with various network topologies, or the software running in each node? Other people could ssh in and pretend to be a node too.

That way we could try running it on our computers and debug the stack in each node, and then if it works, we could download the stack into our own routers and devices and run it in the real world.

We have a special simulator build which can run several nodes in a single process, and this has been used in the past to test different topologies and network graphs.

But yes, there's absolutely no reason that you couldn't stand up a whole load of VMs or containers and run Yggdrasil in each of them to play about.

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