Yep! I just wasn't willing to run "curl ... | bash" on a corporate computer to install markdeck. I made a note to circle back to it, I still want to try it, the slides look slicker than those generated by pandoc with beamer which is what I use now to generate PDF presentations. my first choice was GitPitch but rendering PDFs doesn't work without using their web service and this content has got to stay on the private network.
So how would you like to install such a tool on a corporate device?
Is docker an option In your case?
Is downloading and reviewing the scaffold script sufficient (before actually starting it)?
yeah, that would be fine -- what stopped me actually (now that I'm circling back to it) was the requirement for docker-compose which my sandbox VM didn't have. and still doesn't (some dependency is broken). sigh. that's all the time I have for it now.