> Do I find the idea of trying to deduce an entire ethical framework from first principles fascinating and the way it is done interesting: yes
I wonder if there is anyone less deranged than Rothbard working within the same deontological framework. I honestly struggled reading "The Ethics of Liberty" because I can't accept his base principles. I was hoping to find some kind of justification for homestead principle, but he basically says it's self-evident. Maybe for American libertarians it is, but for most people it's not.
David Friedman's consequentialist approach is probably less aesthetically pleasing, but at least his "The Machinery of Freedom" shows that you don't have to be a lunatic to be an AnCap.
I wonder if there is anyone less deranged than Rothbard working within the same deontological framework. I honestly struggled reading "The Ethics of Liberty" because I can't accept his base principles. I was hoping to find some kind of justification for homestead principle, but he basically says it's self-evident. Maybe for American libertarians it is, but for most people it's not.
David Friedman's consequentialist approach is probably less aesthetically pleasing, but at least his "The Machinery of Freedom" shows that you don't have to be a lunatic to be an AnCap.