Slightly OT, but I yesterday launched my script [1] to go through 2 decades of family photos (200GB) that are structured in no sensible way (i.e tree depth of over 6 and over 500 folder with no descriptive names) and organize them.
The script will copy the files, ignoring duplicates, and format them as follows. Files are renamed to their date of creation (when the photo/video was taken/shot), e.g. 2019.01.07_08.28.34.jpg, and then stored in folders sorted by year.
ETA is 40 hours for the remaining 150GB. I suspect that the bottleneck is my network (running the script on my PC, but the photos are available through NFS). I assume it would go much faster if photos are stored on the same computer as the script is being run on.
Anyway, I thought this might be relevant for anyone who wants to get a grip of their photos :)
PS: would greatly appreciate style/performance/correctness tips on the code AND recommendations of any other naming strategy you deem better than my approach!
While I initially avoided looking for any similar project (because I want to build it myself!) I now discovered elodie [1] which seems to serve the same purpose as my script.
For any others than myself, that might be more suitable.
The script will copy the files, ignoring duplicates, and format them as follows. Files are renamed to their date of creation (when the photo/video was taken/shot), e.g. 2019.01.07_08.28.34.jpg, and then stored in folders sorted by year.
ETA is 40 hours for the remaining 150GB. I suspect that the bottleneck is my network (running the script on my PC, but the photos are available through NFS). I assume it would go much faster if photos are stored on the same computer as the script is being run on.
Anyway, I thought this might be relevant for anyone who wants to get a grip of their photos :)
PS: would greatly appreciate style/performance/correctness tips on the code AND recommendations of any other naming strategy you deem better than my approach!