I have dokuwiki installed on my macbook pro. Having a quick reference conveniently on local laptop is important for me because I should be able to access it even when offline. Having access to the wiki from different devices is not that important. Hence no cloud-based solution. The local wiki is added to the 'hosts' file. so http://mywiki in browser brings up the wiki quickly. Installing dokuwiki on mac is quite easy by the way.
The sidebar of the wiki has items like: ideas, tomorrow, to-read, references, and items for each of the project I work on.
When an idea strikes, I add an entry in the ideas folder . This helps because I know that it is 'filed' for later reference and as it is out of head, I can continue working on whatever I was working on.
One advantage of the wiki over things like paper notebook is that it is quite searchable.
For example, once I stumbled upon one video about a 'water from air' project (making water available in remote deserts by extracting water vapour from air). I filed it in a sub-page under "ideas " along with links that I could find. Then moved on. Didn't come back to it for quite some time. Then one day in some other discussion, the topic came up. It was quite easy to get back the links and references from the local wiki.
The wiki pages are plain text files that I add to backup scripts (local and cloud). So it survived system failures in the past.