Do you mean me? If so, why not say so. "Could people please stop X-ing here?" is very passive-aggressive. I looked up 'FUD' - Fear, uncertainty and doubt. Not sure how what I said counts as any of those. Your comment certainly seems to want to spread FUD, however. (And why is this your account's only comment on HN?)
I don't know the significance of your first sentence either. I know nothing about the versions of Stockfish used for this or anything else. Maybe you're taking too much for granted. i.e. that I know enough of the minutiae to understand your comments. Could you fill in the dots a bit? And who are 'all these web companies'?
I'm not super-interested in AlphaZero (or computer chess generally) - haven't read any of the papers, for example. But there's a lot of talk about the various Alphas in the online chess world, since before it was playing chess, and I found these videos very impressive. And it's ridiculous to say "This might as well not have happened". Maybe true for you, but not for the chess world, at all.
Do you mean me? If so, why not say so. "Could people please stop X-ing here?" is very passive-aggressive. I looked up 'FUD' - Fear, uncertainty and doubt. Not sure how what I said counts as any of those. Your comment certainly seems to want to spread FUD, however. (And why is this your account's only comment on HN?)
I don't know the significance of your first sentence either. I know nothing about the versions of Stockfish used for this or anything else. Maybe you're taking too much for granted. i.e. that I know enough of the minutiae to understand your comments. Could you fill in the dots a bit? And who are 'all these web companies'?
I'm not super-interested in AlphaZero (or computer chess generally) - haven't read any of the papers, for example. But there's a lot of talk about the various Alphas in the online chess world, since before it was playing chess, and I found these videos very impressive. And it's ridiculous to say "This might as well not have happened". Maybe true for you, but not for the chess world, at all.