If you search "UCT imperfect information" on Google, you'll turn up plenty of articles and slide decks, including one from David Silver that discusses reinforcement learning. The catch is that they're mostly dated before AlphaZero's emergence, so there's some original work involved to extend AlphaZero to this domain. This is likely something that DeepMind is working on themselves. It's possible that tweaking the search query might turn up more recent results. Good luck!
Thanks, I'll take a look. Yup, I'm aware of Maven. The one most commonly in use now is named Quackle, which uses the same techniques as Maven but has a slightly better initial evaluation function. But the evaluation function is very simple and just keeps into account score and leave. This doesn't suffice often.
EDIT - The David Silver lecture I mentioned actually mentions a Scrabble AI, Maven, which successfully applies MCTS. Here's a link: http://www0.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/d.silver/web/Teaching_files/g...