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Every now and again I'll remember that guy who said he was going to build a Stack Overflow clone in a weekend. I still chuckle.

I had the same thought, Stack Overflow is the canonical iceberg in this context. I hope this will pull the blinders from some peoples eyes.

This might not be such a fantasy as you think it is. Yes, it will be very unpolished. But you can get the basics in place in a couple of hours: login, questions, answers and voting. I agree though that to get it to the level of stackoverflow will be very hard indeed in a weekend ;)

Anything is easy if you ignore the hard parts.


For those of us who weren't around at that time or have forgotten. ktharavaad agrees to attempt it in a grandchild post.

Doesn't ook like he got to far, nothing of substance in the google code he setup for the project.

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