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> If you have specific suggestions about how to be more responsible than we have, please offer them and stop with the melodrama.

HTTP and TCP/IP do not provoke "child like" wonder and curiosity, because they can be understood by everyone. In other words, they provoke a more mature sense of wonder: one that is backed by a fundamental grasping of the technology, which means people also understand the challenges associated with the tech. The fun is in overcoming the challenge.

With shitcoin technobabble: little to no effort is made to explain the underlying tech with useful analogies (often times, because there isn't really any underlying tech, or because the tech is actually only going to benefit a small proportion of "users"). The obfuscation of the system is precisely what allows technobabble to "evoke a sense of child like curiosity", rather than a proper understanding.

This is an old and common tactic: most "financial instruments" are similarly obfuscated. You're not a newcomer trying to do well, but rather the same old salesman, pitching a new naturopathic solution.

> HTTP and TCP/IP do not provoke "child like" wonder and curiosity, because they can be understood by everyone. In other words, they provoke a more mature sense of wonder: one that is backed by a fundamental grasping of the technology, which means people also understand the challenges associated with the tech. The fun is in overcoming the challenge.

It's precisely the same with blockchain tech in every respect you've described here. And indeed many of us did (and still do) have a high degree of wonder over what's possible with HTTPS and TCP/IP more generally. The "child like" part comes from the realization that the species is indeed undergoing a rapid maturing process, and that the internet is a part of our collective childhood.

> With shitcoin technobabble: little to no effort is made to explain the underlying tech with useful analogies (often times, because there isn't really any underlying tech, or because the tech is actually only going to benefit a small proportion of "users").

Did this person just tell me that I have used too few analogies? I strongly suspect that you actually have no idea who we are or what we're about.

There is nothing about this part of the comment that reflects a mature and educated grasp of this topic.

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