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Still holding out for someone to care about Equifax that arguably did far worse by not only collecting large amounts of data, but failing to give consumers any control over it. Their whole business model is collecting and selling personal data and opting likely has financial penalties.

Thank you! For all the data collection of Facebook, it doesn’t even come close to the non-agreed upon infringement into my personal life of the credit bureaus, who, in turn, seem to have limitless ability to resell whatever they might know about me to their hearts content...or, you know, just lose it to even more nefarious agents

> Still holding out for someone to care about Equifax

No tangible harm can be traced to the Equidate breach. (At least not yet.) That makes it politically useless. If you want the Congress to build the legal tools with which to prosecute Equifax the next time around, Facebook is the lens through which to do it.

Remember, the United States doesn’t really have a statorury codification of digital privacy rights. We’re still in the process of distilling popular senses into law.

And unlike the "private" data of Facebook, Equifax data has serious real-world consequences beyond mere embarrassment.

The only reason Facebook is under so much fire is because Facebook is a scapegoat for entire groups of people.

You have tech people who hate Facebook because Facebook is a social network and many tech people aren't social, so Facebook represents this experience that they either shun or think they're too "above it". Lots of tech people also hate how much data collection they do, even though users give it up voluntarily.

There's also journalists, who hate how much their business model relies on Facebook.

You have politically left-leaning individuals all over the world, who hate that people on the right use Facebook to organize political movements against the establishment. You see this in Trump, Brexit, and anti-immigrant movements all over Europe.

Almost all the people screaming about Facebook before these allegations came out are the exact same people screaming now. It's just hard to take these people seriously.

Facebook needs reform; Facebook will probably get regulated; but Facebook isn't going to get regulated into oblivion and Facebook is going to be here for the foreseeable future.

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