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But, you want a more social experience while you listen to music.

Maybe some people do, but I don't.

Just play "Grandma's Hands" for me while I code. I don't need my friends in Paris to know I'm listening to Bill Withers.

Seriously, why do people think they need this stuff?

That’s fair, but surely the concept of sharing music with friends isn’t so crazy? Not saying it was necessarily handled well here, but it seems like a feature many would and do want.

Copy a link send it as an IM, that already worked with ICQ. Update your status message in your message client, manually or possibly provide a client side API to do that, pretty sure there are scripts that do that for pidgin / Amarok, it also is definitely possible on macOS using Automator. There is no reason to involve a server other than possibly platforms like iOS not allowing interactions between apps in this way, which I doubt.

Yeah, but that's the thing: even if you do want to broadcast to your friends that you're listening to BW, that doesn't necessitate access to all your PMs! That just means write-to-wall or -to-updates privileges.

I apologize if my tone was not right... to be clear, I use Spotify exactly as you describe (different choices though) and am as baffled as you about people using those other ways.

I interpreted your comment as a joke, but could see how that could be unclear. Tone is hard on the internet, probably best to explicitly say when you're being sarcastic. :-)

That is one of their selling point, isn't it? You got a feed of "Friend activities" on Spotify

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