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It really depends on your project requirements. Most projects have relatively simple requirements for migrations and SQL generation and can easily find tooling in both Golang and other languages by doing a simple Google search.

Similarly for performance you need to assess the needs of your application, prototype, and benchmark to identify bottlenecks. Most people I see asking for performance tips never actually complete enough of the project to experience the performance implications they are so worried about.

To summarize Go has never failed me in a web-oriented project (usually in the context of a REST API). Don't get me wrong, it has plenty of warts. Often you'll feel like you are writing lots of boiler plate. You won't get the advantages (and disadvantages) of "move fast and break things" ecosystems like Node or Rails. I've never regretted choosing Go.

PS: its a more advanced topic but code generation + Golang is transcendant if you find yourself writing lots of boilerplate. Huge boost to productivity when applied correctly.

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