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It was announced, not available.

Yeah I mean this feels like it amounted to some marketing and a viral sign up page.

I have no reason to believe there was any tech built yet.

Even assuming that they moved-fast-and-broke-things on the legal side, the development lifecycle of something as important as replacing conventional banking takes months, if not more.

Robinhood likely lost a good amount of development opportunity cost with the cancellation.

Even assuming that they moved-fast-and-broke-things on the legal side

Doesn't moving fast and breaking things on-as you say-"the legal side" in essence mean breaking the law, or did you mean something else and I've misunderstood?

Legal as relating-to-the-law, not legal as against-the-law.

Right, that much I grok, but when you say "move fast and broke things", in the context of "relating-to-the-law" what are you hypothesizing was 'broke'?

I think it's a matter of phrasing perhaps, that has me a bit confused of what your post is suggesting as a matter relating to the law.

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