Further, lots of people don't seem to understand the job changes.
Take cto. When it's founders and maybe an employee, cto is a full-time dev.
Then you get funded, and four months later the engineering team is 4-6 people. The cto is now a line-level manager who codes a bit. It's a completely different job.
Then you get the next round, and suddenly the cto supervises 2-4 line level eng managers and has to decide if (s)he wants to be cto or dir-eng, because those roles are about or have already split. This, also, is a completely different job.
At each step, it's a completely different job.
Your company needs to be prepared for founders who don't want, can't, or aren't good enough at the next step that is required of them. Because the job literally completely changes every 2 years. Or sooner.