The boiled down life's lessons in a minute essentially suck the nectar, the subtle and gentle breeze of a late spring reading out and leave us with a husk, a shallow shell.
Trying to extract real context out of a summary of "How to win friends and influence people" is like saying Michelangelo was this artist dude who made a naked man statue he called David. and leaving it at that.
Go read the book. I did. It changed how I interact with people. The book is genuine, its not a quick fix instant gratification job. It is about how other people do matter and how we can help them help us by understanding their needs, their desires. Dale's book is about recognizing how you interact with others and how to make fundamental changes in yourself to be stronger socially.
The boiled down life's lessons in a minute essentially suck the nectar, the subtle and gentle breeze of a late spring reading out and leave us with a husk, a shallow shell.
Trying to extract real context out of a summary of "How to win friends and influence people" is like saying Michelangelo was this artist dude who made a naked man statue he called David. and leaving it at that.
Go read the book. I did. It changed how I interact with people. The book is genuine, its not a quick fix instant gratification job. It is about how other people do matter and how we can help them help us by understanding their needs, their desires. Dale's book is about recognizing how you interact with others and how to make fundamental changes in yourself to be stronger socially.