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This is my experience being diagnosed with ADHD at 29 as well. Things seemed fine from the outside. Well paying, stable work. However, I had an incredibly difficult ability to do anything that needed intrinsic motivation, and my self-image began suffering as a result. I was constantly finding motivation from external factors and/or fear of rejection/failure and/or adrenaline to accomplish anything.

The first time I took a central nervous system stimulant (Modafinil as a nootropic) I could suddenly book my dentist appointments, and book a doctor's appointment to talk about mental health, and book holidays I'd been putting off. And read several chapters of a book in one sitting. And make my bed and remember to brush my teeth. And check in with friends I hadn't heard from in a while. Normal life stuff. Is this what neurotypical people can do!? I wish my frontal lobes had more activation and bloodflow by themselves.

My GP didn't understand how I could think I had a problem since I could maintain a 9-5. My family compared me to my less "obedient" ADHD older brother and never had me tested. I am pretty sure my mother has it but is in denial.

Dr. Russell Barkley has some great videos explaining how ADHD is an intention disorder, and how knowing and doing are separate parts of the brain.

Thanks for sharing! There's a lot of misinformation about ADHD out there. I'm glad that there are treatments that help right away (unlike most psychiatric conditions).

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