Probably not, because the benefits and side effects of appropriate ADHD drug treatments are completely reversible and the scientific evidence for treatment being positive is extremely strong.
Everyone benefits from taking stimulants. That’s why we drink coffee. The efficacy of ADHD medication is not limited to people with ADHD. Should we all take them?
The long-term effects of taking stimulants from childhood onward are not well understood, let alone completely reversible. We’re performing uncontrolled experiments- but that’s nothing new.
Not sure creating a situation where people are incentivized to get a diagnoses giving them access to performance enhancing drugs is a great idea, though.
The line between disease/disorder and "unsatisfactory performance" is drawn somewhat arbitrarily. But in general, those patients with an ADHD diagnosis have much more to gain from "stimulants" than those who do not have this diagnosis.
The potential for abuse of a drug should not limit its appropriate use, though this happens all the time. Also, the safety of ADHD medication is quite well understood, and even the long-term effects seem to be less than the disadvantages of the disorder itself. There may still be a lot of room for exact quantification, but at the moment it looks like ADHD medication is a "good deal" in general.