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True, but not within safari.

Why anybody would play YouTube videos in Safari on iOS? Don't tell me iOS don't open YouTube links in YouTube app automatically?

Why should I install a separate app just for Youtube when the website works fine?

I thought the premise of this subthread was that the website doesn't work fine.

I find it infuriating when I am on google, click a link and the yelp app just opens without any sort of warning. Youtube isnt far behind. If i already had something open in one of those apps, and was coming back to it, my state is cleared.

That doesn't happen if you don't have the yelp app installed.

Don't reward their shitty dark patterns[0] by installing their app. They have a site that is perfectly amenable to being consumed in a web browser on your phone. They're _already done the work_ to make it work well on your phone, but then they kneecapped it and turned the hard work of all those engineers and designers into lead-gen for their app so they can get your location data.

m.yelp.com: This page will open in another application.

me: tHiS PAgE wiLl OPEn iN aNOtheR ApPliCaTIon.

[0] You can only see the first few pictures, you can only read the first fifty words of each review, and every attempt to go beyond that[1] is met with a redirect to the App Store app

[1] no, they don't make it clear that clicking that "read more" link is going to send you to another app.

to me its more the operating system and or browser fault.

we have PROTOCOL already. if i want it to open in yelp it should either start the link with yelp:// or food:// and my os should default to my default food app. if its https:// keep it in my damn browser. google should let me set link rewrite settings per site or type, if i say for example WANT https://youtube to be rewritten on the fly as youtube://filename

I use Brave to watch videos, never the Youtube app, which I don't have installed. It at least gives the illusion that I have control over the requests Youtube is making from my phone. God only knows how much sneaky data collection they do with the app...

Permissions requested on Android: Camera, microphone, contacts, storage.

Because YouTube has entirely ethical and noninvasive reasons for needing access to contact data and unprompted file storage.

For Android there is F-Droid.

> Lightweight YouTube frontend that's supposed to be used without the proprietary YouTube-API or any of Google's (proprietary) play-services.


It even allows to stream audio only while turning the screen off.

Can you record videos with the youtube app? that would explain Camera and microphone.

Contacts is probably for sharing videos and storage might be cache?

Used to be if you used Safari you can play video in the background. On iPad it also meant you can get picture-in-picture. Not sure if those "tricks" still work.

Can confirm this doesn't work anymore, and hasn't for a while actually. (There is, however, a wonderful Jailbreak tweak that restores the functionality.)

Try Opera Mini on IOS.

Which is one reason, among many, for YouTube to build a native application.

They already have one. I think they had one on the very first iPhone even.

iPhone owner since the very first iPhone - I know ;)

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